Message from AFC Chairman

Message from Sri Prasad Sammeta, Chairman, APTA Foundation Council (AFC):

Dear APTA Fraternity,
As you all know, the American Progressive Telugu Association did complete Twelve successful years in service of its Elite membership in United States. Incorporated in the State of Kansas in the year 2008, its main intent was to serve the people of Telugu origin living in the United States. APTA’s major objectives were to take care of the welfare of its members in US and help the needy in India with education, health and other critical areas.
Starting with a meagre 100 members in 2008, this association grew leaps and bounds to more than 4,800 life members. As symbolic celebration, APTA conducted its First National 3-day Convention in 2018 at Baltimore, MD. It was one of the widely attended events of APTA with more than 4,000 members in audience and participation of scores of reputed dignitaries from all over the Globe.
Over the years, APTAs leadership teams worked extremely hard, incorporated its own constitution and bylaws and formulated Short/Long term objectives in line with the wishes of its membership. With a strong 4,800 plus in life memberships, 10,000+ in the Email Distribution, quite a few temporary Memberships and a hundred plus Patron and Grand Patron members, APTA is racing faster towards assisting the Telugu community in US and back home in India. It’s continued efforts enabled the organization to extend the most regarded educational assistance to more than 5,000 students, organized up to date information on jobs and educational facilities, resolved many emergency situations for the member community, stood as a major blood donor within US, conducted marriage counseling and assisted the Community in many other aspects of day to day life.
Now is the time for all of us to review and understand how this organization metamorphosed and managed through the different phases of infancy, adolescence and finally reached the energetic adulthood. In this process of evolution, APTA as an NPO has been recognized consecutively for two years at Platinum level for its best management practices and transparency in records by the most reputed Quality organizations in US.
With the above on hand, APTA will be one of the busy kept NPOs, organizing its activities for many years to come. Those who can financially or intellectually support these multiple tasks of APTA are welcome to join this cherished endeavor and serve and uplift the Telugu community in United States and elsewhere across the world.

My Best wishes,
Kind regards,
Prasad Sammeta

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